
聖誕節聯合崇拜 | Joint Christmas Day Service

本堂將於十二月廿五日(星期一)上午十一時在正堂舉行聖誕節聯合崇拜,崇拜後拍攝大合照,隨後在懷熙中心舉行聯誼午餐,歡迎攜親友參加,共享團契福樂。為方便統計人數預備食物,請向負責人登記。我們歡迎弟兄姊妹為午餐會費用捐獻。本堂為顧及環保,節省使用紙杯和紙碟,並且減低餐會後的工作,懇請各人於是日攜帶自己的食具(如碟、杯、餐叉、匙子),多謝合作。 A joint service will be held on Christmas day, December 25, 2017 at 11:00am in the Church Sanctuary. After the service, we will take a group photo in the Sanctuary and a fellowship lunch will be served in the T.H. Chan Memorial Hall. You are welcome to invite family and friends to worship and …

聖誕節聯合崇拜 | Joint Christmas Day Service Read More »

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