
復活節聯合崇拜及午餐會 | Easter Sunday JoinT Serbice & Fellowship Lunch

我們思想救主受苦的意義後,讓我們於四月一日(主日)上午十一時慶祝主復活的榮耀。復活節特別捐封將夾附週刊內供同道為此奉獻。兒童信息後,孩童往樓下延續學習主復活的信息。散會時,每人都獲贈復活蛋一隻。 聯合崇拜後於懷熙中心舉行午餐會,誠邀各弟兄姊妹攜親友參加。為方便統計人數預備食物,請於主日崇拜後向負責人登記,同時歡迎你為餐會費用捐獻。為顧及環保,節省使用紙杯和紙碟,並且減低餐會後的工作,懇請各人於是日攜帶自己的食具。 — To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will have a joint service on Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 at 11:00a.m. Easter envelopes will be provided for special offering. Part 1 of the children’s Easter message will be given during the service, part 2 of the message will be given in Room …

復活節聯合崇拜及午餐會 | Easter Sunday JoinT Serbice & Fellowship Lunch Read More »

受苦節紀念守餐崇拜 | Good Friday Feast of Remembrance Service

為記念耶穌基督在十架上犧牲,帶給世人的救贖,本堂定於三月三十日(星期五)上午十一時舉行受苦節紀念守餐聯合崇拜。崇拜後,弟兄姊妹將會領取十字飽,藉以紀念主耶穌基督帶給世人的救贖。是日設有特別節目給兒童們,屆時請家長於崇拜前帶子女到樓下一號室。路加福音四18:「叫我傳福音給貧窮的人」。我們可以藉著行動去幫助貧窮者,盼望各位在受苦節和復活節期間,攜帶罐頭乾糧回教會,放入收集箱內,關顧有需要的人。 — There will be a Good Friday Feast of Remembrance Joint Service on March 30, 2018 at 11:00a.m. in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross. Worshippers will receive a hot-cross bun to commemorate the Atonement of the Lord Jesus after service. We also have a special children’s program. Please bring your children …

受苦節紀念守餐崇拜 | Good Friday Feast of Remembrance Service Read More »

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